All that lies between Disconnected Press and the Cardiff Comic Expo is a night’s sleep and the bulk of the M4.

Whilst not a big milestone for us (we’re not exhibiting and don’t have anything to sell just yet), it will be the world debut of our new business cards. OK. OK. I’m stretching this a little. I know, I’ll just plug the comics we do have under development:

Our first Disconnected anthology will be launching at Bristol Comic Expo on 12 May and is well under way. We’re thrilled to have a line-up including some of the finest UK writers and artists on the fringes of greatness, including writers Richmond Clements, Rich McAuliffe and Greg Meldrum, and artists Gavin Mitchell, Tom Foster and Stuart Tipples. Needless to say there’ll be a Lizzie Boyle script and some Conor Boyle art thrown in for good measure too. Look out for creator interviews on this blog in the coming weeks.

What’s it all about? Small town stories that don’t make the big city press.  Stories that are true, even if they never happened. A cross-section of life from the normal to the paranormal and back again.

Also launching at Bristol, we have a second anthology of little dark stories, featuring up-and-coming artists who we think have a lot to offer, namely Louis Carter, Neil McClements, Brian Rankin and Tony Rothwell.

Watch this space for more, including exclusive previews and details of how to pre-order!

If you’re interesting in contributing to future publications from Disconnected Press, contact us on or via Twitter @DisconnectedPrs.